Metal Ring (I got mine at JoAnn's for a buck fifty. It was by the doilies.)
Glitter (I used silver and iridescent.)
Tulle (I got it at Hobby Lobby, 10 - 15 yards for $5. It was on sale.)
Hot Glue Gun
Mod Podge
Plastic Snow Flakes (I found these at the Dollar Tree.)
Glitter Fabric Spray Paint (Optional)
The snowflakes that I bought had some glitter on them but clearly not enough! :P So I brushed them lightly with Mod Podge and made 5 iridescent and 5 silver. (I was recycling my Bio test so hopefully he decides we can keep them for good, because mine is covered in glitter...)
Next I wrapped my tulle to cut it the right length. When I bought it, I bought it in a roll. This made cutting it super easy! And I still had about half (maybe a little less) of it left after I was all done. If you have the book Milkweed, it is the perfect size! If not make your tulle pieces 10-12 inches long. It all just depends on how big your frame (mine was 12 inches) is and how big you want your wreath. I did this wrapping and cutting process four times.
Cut only ONE side of the tulle! This gives you 10-12 inch strips.
Then knot the tulle on the ring. My knots looked like this.
Once the the tulle covers the entire ring, you can start gluing the snow flakes on. I put a dab of glue in the center of my snowflakes and then stuck them on to the knotted part. Be sure to hold them there until the glue sets. I found that if I didn't hold them, they popped off because the tulle was pushing them up. After it was all glued together, I sprayed it with some glitter fabric spray paint. This made the tulle sparkly! But that is totally optional.
This is my finished wreath! I LOVE it.
We were going to keep it on our door, but the people that live in our hall have a tendency of taking things off of the door.
Happy Crafting!

PS. Then this happened. Miranda and I both thought, "Hey this will totally fit over my shoulders! It's like a tutu!" Yeah that all worked until we couldn't get it back over my shoulders and I started to panic because I didn't want to have to ask my CA to cut a wreath off of me... But no worries, we got it off!
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