It looks like Christmas exploded in my apartment! I begged Josh to let me put up our tree over the weekend so I could see how my tree skirt looked. And once the tree was put up, things kind of escalated and now we have reached the point of full on Chirstmas! But you should be happy by this not outraged that I broke some sacred rule about waiting until after Thanksgiving! It means that Christmas tutorials are coming!!! I will be posting all of my Christmas decor tutorials and ideas after Christmas. I know that that is untimely, but end of year projects and finals are in full blast and all of my focus is going to those! But look at it this way, it gives you a head start to next Christmas!!
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Where in the World is Katelyn?
I'm coming back. For real this time. Working on becoming a teacher and working is very time consuming. VERY! I realize that I haven't posted anything in awhile (like since last Christmas...) and I am very sorry about that. Let me update you about what has happened in the past year.
1. Josh moved to Wisconsin.
The whole five hour drive thing was getting very old and we were ready to share a cute little apartment. After searching several little "cute" apartments, we found the perfect one! And if you know me, I have been very busy to decorate it!
2. Classes, Practicums, More Classes
Did you know that when you are a college student you go to a lot of classes. Did you also know that when you are an education student, you are super busy. You not only go to class, but you also get to practice teaching. They call you a pre-service teacher. What that really means is that you pay a lot of tuition to teach. Which I totally don't mind. I love being in the classroom. Practicum is my favorite part of my classes. Oh I've also been busy with homework as well...
3. I Got a New Job
I guess it isn't really a new job. After Christmas break, I was hired to work on campus. I was able to say so long to my very unpredictable job at TJ Maxx and say hello to a job I really like! It's a pretty awesome place and I love the people that I work with.
4. Crafting
Did someone say crafts? Me, crafting? No way! I am very guilty of crafting. I am on a budget but really need to decorate my apartment. Good thing I'm pretty good at budgeted crafting! And now it's Christmas time and I have a whole new round of projects! Josh is probably freaking out about all of the glitter. I promise to attempt to get all of my project updated on here and let you in on all the fun!
Now you know where I have been for the last year. My early New Years resolution is to keep this thing updated. I'm going to try to stay with it this time. Now I really need to go get ready for practicum tomorrow!
Good Night!
1. Josh moved to Wisconsin.
The whole five hour drive thing was getting very old and we were ready to share a cute little apartment. After searching several little "cute" apartments, we found the perfect one! And if you know me, I have been very busy to decorate it!
2. Classes, Practicums, More Classes
Did you know that when you are a college student you go to a lot of classes. Did you also know that when you are an education student, you are super busy. You not only go to class, but you also get to practice teaching. They call you a pre-service teacher. What that really means is that you pay a lot of tuition to teach. Which I totally don't mind. I love being in the classroom. Practicum is my favorite part of my classes. Oh I've also been busy with homework as well...
3. I Got a New Job
I guess it isn't really a new job. After Christmas break, I was hired to work on campus. I was able to say so long to my very unpredictable job at TJ Maxx and say hello to a job I really like! It's a pretty awesome place and I love the people that I work with.
4. Crafting
Did someone say crafts? Me, crafting? No way! I am very guilty of crafting. I am on a budget but really need to decorate my apartment. Good thing I'm pretty good at budgeted crafting! And now it's Christmas time and I have a whole new round of projects! Josh is probably freaking out about all of the glitter. I promise to attempt to get all of my project updated on here and let you in on all the fun!
Now you know where I have been for the last year. My early New Years resolution is to keep this thing updated. I'm going to try to stay with it this time. Now I really need to go get ready for practicum tomorrow!
Good Night!
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Carlo's O'Kelly's Chili Con Queso Dip! (Copycat Recipe)
I made a slight mistake! I moved far, far, far away from home (that's not the mistake), and I moved to a place that doesn't even have my three most favorite places to eat! You should just know that I love food. I grew up surrounded by the stuff! Anyways, my three favorite places to eat:
1. Hu Hot- Iowa is the hub for Hu Hots, who would have guessed. It is a build your own dish Mongolian grill. It is my absolute favorite place to eat.This is not as tragic but it is now about an hour and twenty minutes away. I suggest that if you haven't eaten there yet, do all that is in your power to get to one. It is well worth it, trust me.
2. Panera Bread-Okay if you haven't been here, you might be living in a cave, like my boyfriend was before we started dating (But he didn't know the power of butter before my mom and I came into his life and now he is hooked!!! Muwahahahah!). My mom and I started going here every Saturday when I was younger. We would order potato soup and bread and have some girl time. Then my dad and I would secretly go there and get Cinnamon Crunch and Asiago Cheese bagels.They're the only ones that I like after the Bagel Incident of '98.
3. Carlos O'Kelly's-This one I will forgive you if you haven't heard of it. It's a Mexican restaurant and the closest one to me now is three hours away. My friends and I would go there after school and eat our hearts away. Ohhh I'm making myself so hungry right now!
Late one night my friend Bobbi and I were craving Carlos Chile con Queso. My dad did us the lovely honor of making us some of his specialty of Todd's Cheese Dip, it doesn't really have a name, I just named it... It took us several tries to make it with out almost dying of curdled cheese. But it still wasn't as good as Carlos. The other night Josh and I were waiting for a train to cross and in the down time, I did some research. I then raided our fridge and created the Frankenstein of Queso. And let me tell you it tasted as good as Carlos'! The secret was in the butter, it's always in the butter!
Carlo's O'Kelly's Chili con Queso Copycat Recipe
*Keep in mind that I don't measure much if I'm not baking so these are my rough measurement estimates. Just add things to taste!
2 Tbsp. Butter (Not Margarine, real butter!)
1/2 c. Sour Cream
1/2 lb. Velveeta cheese cubed
3 Tbsp. Green Chilies (I just use half of the little cans that you can buy at the grocery store by all of the stuff to make tacos and what not!)
2-3 Tbsp. Chopped Sweet Vadalia Onion (but any white onion would work as well)
2 Tbsp. Salsa
1-2 Tbsp. Taco sauce
In a small Crock Pot, combine all of the ingredients. Heat on high until butter, cheese, and sour cream is melted, sir occasionally. Once the cheese has melted turn the Crock Pot on low or warm and serve with tortilla chips. It so simple, anyone could do it! If you don't have a "baby" Crock Pot, You can make this in a small sauce pan over medium low heat (you don't want it too hot or else it will burn the cheese.)
This picture doesn't do it justice, but it was the best I could get in my poorly lit kitchen.
1. Hu Hot- Iowa is the hub for Hu Hots, who would have guessed. It is a build your own dish Mongolian grill. It is my absolute favorite place to eat.This is not as tragic but it is now about an hour and twenty minutes away. I suggest that if you haven't eaten there yet, do all that is in your power to get to one. It is well worth it, trust me.
2. Panera Bread-Okay if you haven't been here, you might be living in a cave, like my boyfriend was before we started dating (But he didn't know the power of butter before my mom and I came into his life and now he is hooked!!! Muwahahahah!). My mom and I started going here every Saturday when I was younger. We would order potato soup and bread and have some girl time. Then my dad and I would secretly go there and get Cinnamon Crunch and Asiago Cheese bagels.They're the only ones that I like after the Bagel Incident of '98.
3. Carlos O'Kelly's-This one I will forgive you if you haven't heard of it. It's a Mexican restaurant and the closest one to me now is three hours away. My friends and I would go there after school and eat our hearts away. Ohhh I'm making myself so hungry right now!
Late one night my friend Bobbi and I were craving Carlos Chile con Queso. My dad did us the lovely honor of making us some of his specialty of Todd's Cheese Dip, it doesn't really have a name, I just named it... It took us several tries to make it with out almost dying of curdled cheese. But it still wasn't as good as Carlos. The other night Josh and I were waiting for a train to cross and in the down time, I did some research. I then raided our fridge and created the Frankenstein of Queso. And let me tell you it tasted as good as Carlos'! The secret was in the butter, it's always in the butter!
Carlo's O'Kelly's Chili con Queso Copycat Recipe
*Keep in mind that I don't measure much if I'm not baking so these are my rough measurement estimates. Just add things to taste!
2 Tbsp. Butter (Not Margarine, real butter!)
1/2 c. Sour Cream
1/2 lb. Velveeta cheese cubed
3 Tbsp. Green Chilies (I just use half of the little cans that you can buy at the grocery store by all of the stuff to make tacos and what not!)
2-3 Tbsp. Chopped Sweet Vadalia Onion (but any white onion would work as well)
2 Tbsp. Salsa
1-2 Tbsp. Taco sauce
In a small Crock Pot, combine all of the ingredients. Heat on high until butter, cheese, and sour cream is melted, sir occasionally. Once the cheese has melted turn the Crock Pot on low or warm and serve with tortilla chips. It so simple, anyone could do it! If you don't have a "baby" Crock Pot, You can make this in a small sauce pan over medium low heat (you don't want it too hot or else it will burn the cheese.)
This picture doesn't do it justice, but it was the best I could get in my poorly lit kitchen.

Friday, June 7, 2013
My Invisalign Adventure -Days 1-4
My dentist adventures have been interesting the past couple of years! In the last five years, I have seen three different dentists and we are just now getting somewhere with fixing my teeth. I have pretty straight teeth, so that was not the need for Invisalign. When I was little, my dentist told us that I didn't need braces because my teeth were pretty straight. Then in high school we started seeing a new dentist. He told me that I needed to consider getting braces because I have a slight overbite, but since he didn't make a huge deal out of it, neither did my dad. That was about 3 years ago. Over winter break this past year, I started seeing a new dentist. She told me that I had to get something done soon because my overbite was damaging my teeth and causing the top teeth to wear away my bottom teeth. Why was it doing so much damage? Well probably because that slight overbite was 100%.
I ventured out and found an orthodontist and I didn't really like what he had to say. First of all, I would have to have braces for about three years. I couldn't have the white porcelain braces because they wouldn't be strong enough to pull my jaw into the right spot or something like that. That was something I was really hoping for. I am going to school to be a teacher and I really didn't want my mouth full of metal during my student teaching because I thought it would make me look younger and not as professional. On top of that he wanted me to go down to Madison and have a surgery to have part of my jaw cut out and then place my teeth higher in my mouth because I have a pretty gummy smile. All of this was going to cost about $10,000. I don't know about you but it seemed really overpriced and not affordable at all.
I was really disappointed. Instead of getting braces in elementary when it was "cool" to have them, I was getting awkward adult braces. The amount that I was looking forward to this was about 0%. And then somehow we got to the conclusion that my dentist would do Invisalign. It was much more affordable ($4,000 total) and it would be a lot easier with school. I need 24 trays on the top and 14 on the bottom. I have to wear them for two weeks at a time, so I will be done completely in a little less than a year. That was already a big plus that regular braces didn't offer! I have 12 buttons on my teeth to help grip the retainers and push my teeth in the right positions. I can already tell a difference in the way I hold my jaw. At first it hurt a lot to put on and take off my retainers because of all of the buttons, but my teeth are starting to shift into the right position so it doesn't hurt as much. It does hurt to eat though because it feels like my teeth are bruised, but I expected this. I found out that if I take my retainers out and wait five minutes to eat, it doesn't hurt as bad.
So far I am satisfied with my decision to do this. It definitely is better than having to get my jaw cut apart and what not!
I ventured out and found an orthodontist and I didn't really like what he had to say. First of all, I would have to have braces for about three years. I couldn't have the white porcelain braces because they wouldn't be strong enough to pull my jaw into the right spot or something like that. That was something I was really hoping for. I am going to school to be a teacher and I really didn't want my mouth full of metal during my student teaching because I thought it would make me look younger and not as professional. On top of that he wanted me to go down to Madison and have a surgery to have part of my jaw cut out and then place my teeth higher in my mouth because I have a pretty gummy smile. All of this was going to cost about $10,000. I don't know about you but it seemed really overpriced and not affordable at all.
I was really disappointed. Instead of getting braces in elementary when it was "cool" to have them, I was getting awkward adult braces. The amount that I was looking forward to this was about 0%. And then somehow we got to the conclusion that my dentist would do Invisalign. It was much more affordable ($4,000 total) and it would be a lot easier with school. I need 24 trays on the top and 14 on the bottom. I have to wear them for two weeks at a time, so I will be done completely in a little less than a year. That was already a big plus that regular braces didn't offer! I have 12 buttons on my teeth to help grip the retainers and push my teeth in the right positions. I can already tell a difference in the way I hold my jaw. At first it hurt a lot to put on and take off my retainers because of all of the buttons, but my teeth are starting to shift into the right position so it doesn't hurt as much. It does hurt to eat though because it feels like my teeth are bruised, but I expected this. I found out that if I take my retainers out and wait five minutes to eat, it doesn't hurt as bad.
So far I am satisfied with my decision to do this. It definitely is better than having to get my jaw cut apart and what not!
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
I'll Be Back Soon!
Sorry I've been gone so long! This semester has been super crazy, busy. But big things will be happening soon, I have an apartment to decorate!
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Styrofoam Ornaments
Day 8!!
I'm finally getting caught up! Things have been super hectic these past few days. Today I'm going to share with you giant Styrofoam ornaments that I made to hang up in my dorm room. These are super easy and fool proof.
Styrofoam shapes (I picked mine up from the Dollar Tree
Step 1. "Paint" glue onto they styrofoam ball.
Step 2: Cover in glitter and let them dry.
I'm finally getting caught up! Things have been super hectic these past few days. Today I'm going to share with you giant Styrofoam ornaments that I made to hang up in my dorm room. These are super easy and fool proof.
Styrofoam shapes (I picked mine up from the Dollar Tree
Step 1. "Paint" glue onto they styrofoam ball.
Step 2: Cover in glitter and let them dry.
Step 3: String them and hang them up!
I told you they were fool proof. I was going to wrap them in wire, but I ran out of time before finals started. Until next time, they will remain just glittery! (Nothing wrong with that!)
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Snowflake Window!
Day 7!!!
Sorry I've been gone a bit! Between finals, work, and trying to pack so I could go home for break. Ugh, I have a lot of crafts to get caught up on! The drive home was no fun either, but I made it home! And now it's a world of snow out there and I am stuck inside. Perfect for me to get caught up!
I wanted to decorate our window so it could look pretty on the outside. I also didn't want to spend a ton of money on decorating the windows. So I resorted to the days of Kindergarten and paper snowflake, but I didn't want them to look like a Kindergarten Katelyn made them. Turn to Google and I found this website of snowflake patterns. I then used this website to lean how to fold the paper. But you know, it's way to hard for me to completely follow directions. So I made a few following the patterns, then I made my own. I then hung them up on our window around our Christmas tree and they look so pretty. They made up for all the snow that we didn't get.
Sorry I've been gone a bit! Between finals, work, and trying to pack so I could go home for break. Ugh, I have a lot of crafts to get caught up on! The drive home was no fun either, but I made it home! And now it's a world of snow out there and I am stuck inside. Perfect for me to get caught up!
I wanted to decorate our window so it could look pretty on the outside. I also didn't want to spend a ton of money on decorating the windows. So I resorted to the days of Kindergarten and paper snowflake, but I didn't want them to look like a Kindergarten Katelyn made them. Turn to Google and I found this website of snowflake patterns. I then used this website to lean how to fold the paper. But you know, it's way to hard for me to completely follow directions. So I made a few following the patterns, then I made my own. I then hung them up on our window around our Christmas tree and they look so pretty. They made up for all the snow that we didn't get.

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